Anevia Tirabade MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Anevia Tirabade? Anevia Tirabade is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Although these settings are mainly due to the practical needs of the game process, she is too obedient to the commander even though she is very disgusted with some of the commander's evil behaviors: if the commander acquiesces to Camellia's murder of soldiers, she will help keep the secret; she hates evil paths, but she will still serve the commander as usual with just a few complaints in the early part of Chapter 5, until she leaves or gets killed in the middle of Chapter 5. Her primary goal in life is to fulfill her wife's wishes and make her happy. She wants to retire, but if Irabeth wants to continue serving, she would continue to work with her with a wry smile; if Irabeth dies, she will retire immediately; if Irabeth's PTSD isn't cured in Chapter 3, she'll spend the rest of her life taking Irabeth into seclusion and caring for Irabeth, who has frequent panic attacks.


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