Jaques MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jaques? Jaques is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - - in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

“Jaques is the only purely contemplative character in Shakespeare. He thinks and does nothing. His whole occupation is to amuse his king, and is totally regardless of his body and his fortunes. He is the prince of philosophical idlers; his on sky passion is thought; he sets no value upon anything, but as it serves as food for reflection.” - William Hazlitt The description seems accurate to me, and for a while I thought it fit INTJ well. I think the issue with INTJ (and also to a lesser extent INFJ) is that Ni eventually demands an outlet via Te (or Fe). This means the INTJ is driven to eventually act out his visions in reality. This may be something as small as spreading his ideas in writing, but eventually he wants to act out in real world. INTP uses Ne has his highest extroverted function. Ne is more easily subdued into mere intellectual fancies for Ti. The INTP can use Ne to search for more “foods for reflection”, and then do nothing it but reflect. Ti fits the cynically analytical side of Jacques, while Ne fits the side of him that delights in being a fool. His distaste for Orlando’s passionate displays of love also fits inferior Fe. The reductive nature of all the world’s a stage speech is very Ti-Fe.


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