Kiyi MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Kiyi? Kiyi is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Her personality is very similar to Azula's. Appearing really confident, having a natural leadership, ambitious, fearless and savage. The difference is that she was actually a good kid and didn't have daddy issues. Both were firebending prodigies, so it's interesting to see Azula but a healthy version. She just figured out firebending by imitating Zuko and came up with the solution to melt a hole in that metal door, that was awesome.


The daughter of Ikem and Noriko, AKA Princess Ursa, making her Zuko and Azula's half-sister. She is a rambunctious, adventure-loving child who has taken to having a new brother rather well.

Comics Characters Similar to Kiyi

    Common Characteristics and Traits
