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Erasmo Carlos MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Erasmo Carlos? Erasmo Carlos is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - 458 in Enneagram, RLUAN in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

Gigante como sua própria natureza. Vá em paz entre as estrelas, tremendão.


Erasmo Carlos (born Erasmo Esteves on June 5, 1941) is a Brazilian singer and songwriter, most closely associated with his friend and longtime collaborator Roberto Carlos (no relation). Together, they have created many chart hits including "É Proibido Fumar", "Sentado à beira do caminho", "Além do Horizonte", "Amigo" and "Festa de Arromba". A core member of the Jovem Guarda ("Young Guard") scene of 1960s Brazilian pop-rock, Erasmo often appeared on television, in magazines and feature films with fellow teen idols Roberto Carlos and Wanderléa. In contrast to his simpler pop-rock early sound, Erasmo went on to produce several of the more moody and introspective MPB records of the 1970s, including Sonhos e Memórias and Carlos, Erasmo.

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