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Pig MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Pig? Pig is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 972 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

Pigs aren't dirty at all. They never **** where they eat, unlike cows and sheep. They cover themselves in mud to protect themselves from the sun. Anyway pigs are obviously ISFP. they're surprisingly lively (Se), not dopey at all unlike cows and sheep.


The pig (Sus domesticus), often called swine, hog, or domestic pig when distinguishing from other members of the genus Sus, is an omnivorous, domesticated, even-toed, hoofed mammal. It is variously considered a subspecies of Sus scrofa (the wild boar or Eurasian boar) or a distinct species. The pig's head-plus-body length ranges from 0.9 to 1.8 m (3 to 6 ft), and adult pigs typically weigh between 50 and 350 kg (110 and 770 lb), with well-fed individuals even exceeding this range. The size and weight of hogs largely depends on their breed. Compared to other artiodactyls, a pig's head is relatively long and pointed. Most even-toed ungulates are herbivorous, but pigs are omnivores, like their wild relative. Pigs grunt and make snorting sounds.
