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Baiken MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Baiken? Baiken is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 864 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, in Socionics.

I've only read summaries of the first game she's appeared in and lore summaries of her character in that game, and I've only really played either Accent Core or XX, but I'm sick of this complex character being reduced down to "mean hot booby lady". She's a traumatized character who's issues with "That Man" drive her to wanting to control her environment so she never gets hurt again, and she becomes so addicted to bloodlust and fighting she absolutely goes batshit and turns into a demon, with only Anji Mito keeping her sane. Her trauma absolutely drives her narrative and nobody sees that, instead making her some gruff big boobied Jotaro Kujo woman when only the Jotaro Kujo-esque personality is accurate. I agree that she's an ISTP, with heavy amounts of Se; if she were to be typed in Socionics (which I am learning!) I would assume she's an ISTJ-Se/LSI-Se. Instinctual variants is a tricky one for her, because I use Luckovich's subtypes, because yeah, while she tends to be excessively forceful in supporting her physical well being (and at times neglects it to the point of asceticism), she's also relentlessly pursuing in the object of her desire: in that case, That Man. I'm torn between sp/sx and sx/sp but I will TENTATIVELY say sp/sx for now because her sexuality and sexual expression, other important parts of sx, are actually blocked in contrast to her cleavage exposing attire.


Baiken is a recurring character in the Guilty Gear series. She is a wandering samurai of Japanese descent, whose home was raided by Gears during the Crusades. Having witnessed the horrible deaths of her parents and friends, she has sworn revenge on That Man at any cost. Deeply traumatized by her loss, Baiken remains bitter over her family's demise and is motivated solely by revenge, wanting to kill That Man beyond reason. As implied in Core Plus, her quest entails the danger of giving in to her bloodthirsty side, as shown within some of the endings for the game. At the same time, Baiken is coarse, quick to lose her temper and impulsive, often jumping into action before thinking things through. An anti-social person, she seems to value others insofar as they can prove themselves in battle. Baiken uses the pronoun 俺 (ore?) , a casual hard masculine that is usually associated with extreme irregular women when used by women.
