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Most Common Mistype MBTI Personality Type

Most Common Mistype MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Most Common Mistype? Most Common Mistype is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 459 in Enneagram, RLUEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Most people who get into MBTI go through the 16p test first, and that test makes almost everyone INFP. Even the INFP description is vague enough for anyone to relate: "introverted and sensitive daydreamer who follows their heart and has emotions" could apply to a wide range of people of different types. A lot of people do what they think it's right, a lot of people have their own fantasies and abstract thoughts, and everyone has emotions. Some people think that just being a good person and having feelings makes you INFP. Not to mention that being introverted has been idealized by a lot of people as being "better" than a loud and nosy extrovert. So even extroverts end up identifying themselves as introverts to avoid being associated with those negative connotations or just to fit in. INFJ and INTJ are also very common mistypes, too. But in this case it feels like they're rooted more in intuitive bias and the fetishism surrounding Ni. Some people treat Ni as a sign of superiority or some sort of special superpower, making them want to be an INxJ. Or they think just being capable of abstract thinking makes them a Ni dom, let alone an intuitive. There are so many negative stereotypes associated with sensors that for some people, identifying themselves as one is unthinkable. A lot of them find being a mysterious sage INFJ much more appealing than some boring doormat ISFJ. Why be some mindless robot ISTJ when you can be an intellectual mastermind INTJ? And so on. I know we love to laugh at sensors mistyping themselves as intuitives, but honestly, can you blame them? Would you like your personality type be "hedonistic bully who can't think for more than 5 seconds" or "angry tyrant that loves making people work to death"? Nobody likes to be told that their personality type makes them inherently bad, dumb, or boring. That's just degrading. Nobody wants to come here and be judged by their type or see that every unlikable character is associated with their type. The typology community can be really toxic, and I can't think of many people who would want to be at the receiving end of that toxicity. An ESFP will not have fun being told that their personality is just being shallow and dumb, so it's understandable that being the much more accepted ENTP will be appealing to them. And let's be honest, some people only use MBTI to stroke their ego, explaining a lot of biases and weird elitism going around. Some people only care about their type to the extent of how it makes them feel superior to their peers. Maybe if the community held a more neutral view of types, nobody being better than others, we'd have less mistypes going around.


The type most people mistype as.
