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Enneagram Subtype 5w4 MBTI Personality Type

Enneagram Subtype 5w4 MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Enneagram Subtype 5w4? Enneagram Subtype 5w4 is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 549 in Enneagram, RLUEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Statistics are based on a sample size of 8000 profiles in pdb. Percentage represent the proportion of that type being type 5w4. ESTJ - <0.01% ESFJ - <0.01% ISTJ - 0.56% ISFJ - 0.11% ENTP - 5.25% ENFP - 0.27% INTP - 30.71% INFP - 3.30% ESTP - <0.01% ESFP - <0.01% ISTP - 3.15% ISFP - 0.59% ENTJ - 0.32% ENFJ - 0.22% INTJ - 19.89% INFJ - 9.71% Big Five Left Percentage represent the proportion 5w4 types having that big five while the right percentage represent the proportion of all of the enneagram types having that big five Social - 10.46% : 52.22% Calm - 63.25% : 52.63% Organized - 51.35% : 50.43% Agreeable - 35.61% : 52.10% Inquisitive - 96.98% : 62.66% Rcoe|I|


THE FIVE WITH A FOUR-WING: THE ICONOCLAST Curiosity and perceptiveness combine in this subtype with the desire to express a unique, personal vision. Healthy people of this subtype are more emotional, introspective, and creative than Fives with a Six-wing They seek a niche that has not been explored by others-something that can truly be their own. Not scientifically oriented, they are often creative loners, mixing passion and detachment. They are whimsical and inventive: their tinkering with familiar forms can lead to startling innovations. Often drawn to the arts, they use the imagination more than the analytic, systematic parts of their minds. Although primarily identified with their minds, average people of this subtype struggle with intense feelings that can create difficulties in sustaining efforts and in working with others. They are more independent than the 5w6 and resist having structures imposed on them. Their interests tend toward the surreal and fantastic rather than the rational or the romantic: they can easily get lost in their own cerebral landscapes. They often have difficulty staying grounded and can become impractical in the pursuit of their interests. They can be attracted to dark, forbidden subject matter or to the disturbing or grotesque.
