RLUAI MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is RLUAI? RLUAI is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - so/sp - 469 in Enneagram, RLUAI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

RLUAI: inquisitive, creative, sensitive, supportive, moralistic, cares about the world & the future, abstract, not too theoretical, thinks a lot but says little, individualistic, neurotic, daydreaming, avoids strangers, disorganized, can show "wild side", can experience intense emotion, thinks frequently about past, contemplative, reflective, wants peace, wants even terms with everyone, empathetic, kind, can swing moods easily, does not care for fame/self-image, has ideal view of society, not very punctual, wants meaningful relationships, seeks to be understood; understood by few, does not care to plan/schedule, has perseverance, can be seen as "enigmatic", appreciates any form of company even if it is not social. These, among others, are what an RLUAI is to the best of my knowledge...I am one, so take that SimilarMinds. Maybe think twice before making us all look depressed. Edit: Several months ago I learned I'm RCUAI. I really don't mean to betray you all but I'm certain these descriptors still make sense.


Reserved = Low Extraversion Limbic = High Neuroticism Unorganised = Low Conscientiousness Accommodating = High Agreeableness Inquisitive = High Openness Read more about the traits and facets of the Big Five in the PDB wiki: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/big-5-personality-traits
