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SungWon Cho (ProZD) MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is SungWon Cho (ProZD)? SungWon Cho (ProZD) is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - 952 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

Yes, my favorite youtuber, Sooge Win


SungWon Cho (born December 9, 1990) is an American voice actor and content creator. First known for taking requests and dubbing comics, he later gained popularity for creating his own works, mostly short sketches, which are often based around video game and anime clichés, to the point of developing several story arcs with them. He has been known in the past for doing song covers in a Goofy voice. He also had a gaming channel, Press Buttons 'n Talk, with his friend Alex, which has been retired, and a new gaming channel ProZD Plays Games where he plays with his friends Steve (current) and Jay (previous). He can be found on YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, among other places. He was also on Vine, but uploaded most of his Vine clips to YouTube even before the former service went down, and has since ventured into professional acting and voice acting. He made his live-action debut on Anime Crimes Division for Crunchyroll, and had his first major voice acting role in gen:LOCK.

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