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  3. The Tempest

Miranda MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Miranda? Miranda is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Miranda has a skill for weaving together symbolic imagery; more than most Shakespearean heroines, she likes comparing things to grand concepts and discussing what she will do (but doesn’t actually try). With her memories, she speaks of them as distant dreams and vague ideas rather than tangible reality. She often seeks to put herself in symbolic positions and enact ideas she’s formed. She’s always trying to understand the motives and deeper meanings of what goes on around her. She’s very naive due to her lack of experience, and often stays stuck in her imaginary fantasies about things rather than facing reality. She’s quick to sum people up on first meeting. Extroverted Feeling (Fe): “O, I have suffered/with those that I saw suffer.” Miranda is highly empathetic and naturally attuned to those around her; she enters into their feelings and wishes to calm their own emotional tempests. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and often bemoans her situation and that of others, loudly and long. She’s frequently shown trying to persuade others to follow her feelings about things. Introverted Thinking (Ti): She likes gathering information and trying to understand it better. She’s inquisitive and often seeking to understand her situation better. She’ll take the quick and logical route to attaining her goals. She mostly follows her heart, seeking very little logical proof of the things the people in her life lay out for her. Extroverted Sensing (Se): She often struggles with judging things based on what she sees on the surface, on slight physical details, as she’s not much for living in the moment or going on adventures. She’s not afraid to do hard work when required for her situation, as long as she can see how it plays into her goals.


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