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Hammerhead / Joseph Martello MBTI Personality Type

Hammerhead / Joseph Martello MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hammerhead / Joseph Martello? Hammerhead / Joseph Martello is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - so/sp - 835 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.


Joseph Martello, also known as Hammerhead, appears as the main antagonist of The City That Never Sleeps downloadable content for Marvel's Spider-Man. A mob boss with a skull made of reinforced steel, he is the head of the Hammerhead family, one of the "families" of the criminal organization known as the Maggia. Following the power vacuum caused by the arrests of both Kingpin and Mister Negative, Hammerhead's crew is among those taking part in the resulting gang war for power over New York's criminal underworld. Hammerhead is voiced by Keith Silverstein. Hammerhead is characterized as a ruthless and sadistic man obsessed with power. He has no qualms about igniting a gang war or stealing humanitarian aid for his own benefit, and will resort to whatever means necessary to get what he wants. Hammerhead believes in the "good ol' days", the time where the Maggia controlled New York through fear and the police "knew their place".

Gaming Characters Similar to Hammerhead / Joseph Martello
