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Amy Bouzaglo (Amy’s Baking Company) MBTI Personality Type

Amy Bouzaglo (Amy’s Baking Company) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Amy Bouzaglo (Amy’s Baking Company)? Amy Bouzaglo (Amy’s Baking Company) is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - - in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

If there is one thing we can all agree on about Amy, it's that she is a fucking drama queen. Not only that, but she appears to be wholly guided by emotions and by sentimental value. Whenever she receives a negative review of her food, or if a customer complains that the food takes too long, her immediate response is to flare up into a flurry of emotions, and to try to regain the love and sympathy from her customers, so that she may feel validated. She appears to intentionally repress her intellect and refuses to accept criticism of her food, and those who do criticise her food are labelled as "bullies" or "trolls." That being said, take a look at this description of the enneagram 2 from Claudio Naranjo's Character and Neurosis. "While a number of descriptors might be grouped together as direct manifestations of pride-i.e., the imaginary exaltation of self-worth and attractiveness, "playing the part of the princess," demanding privileges, boasting, needing to be the center of attention, and so on-there are others which may be understood as psychological "corollaries" of pride, and to them I now turn. * * * In the case of every defense mechanism, unconsciousness seems to require a compensatory phenomenon. Just as unconsciousness of destructive or passive tendencies in ennea-type I is maintained through a conscious pursuit of goodness and an anti-hedonic bias, we may ask whether there is also a compensation for the loss of awareness of needs in enneatype II. The answer lies, I think, in an intensification of the feeling states associated with impulse. Just as there exists a mechanism of intellectualization, that serves to distance oneself from one's feelings, we may say that here there is an "emotionalization" or "emotionalism," that facilitates the process of distracting attention from the awareness of need or, more exactly, "the intellectual representation of instinct." But not only is there an emotional amplification in this type, there is also a characteristic impulsiveness, a pushiness in the interpersonal relation, an impatient need for satisfaction and a childlike inability to defer gratification. It is as if the experience of unconscious satisfaction failed to bring about true satisfaction; as if satisfaction without the awareness of need failed to bring the individual to a sense that the need has been met and resulted in an insatiable thirst for intensity." Sound familiar at all? It should, because so much of what is described here perfectly resembles Amy. Naranjo describes a process known as "repression," which is similar to the "reaction formation" of enneagram 1 in the sense that they both wish to suppress "inappropriate" instincts. However, where the 1's instincts in this manner are transformed into a more proper, serious, and standardised disposition, the 2 is much different. In the 2, these instincts are replaced by a distinct emotional state, and the emphasis upon the emotional aspect on the instinct rather than on the instinct itself helps the 2 to gather the attention and love that it feels that it needs, and I feel like this is incredibly evident. This can be seen throughout Amy's dialogue in the show, and in particular one piece of dialogue comes to mind. *Food comes back to the kitchen* "It wasn't cooked enough? Sure, let me burn it for them. The food we are making is going into the trash, and there are starving people in the world who could be eating it, but instead these people decide that they are going to come and fuck with my life." (Continued in replies)


Amy's Baking Company | Season 6 Episode 16 | Kitchen Nightmares USA

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