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  3. Suikoden II

Shu MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Shu? Shu is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

Shu, my favourite character in the game, is the most reliable INTJ character in Suikoden 2, and his presence successfully instills a sense of security for players or fans of Riou's story. His strategies are truly powerful. He is a talented student of Leon, whom I believe is also an IXTJ with a mastery of tactics. The final battle against his own mentor, although achieved through rule-breaking methods, allows Shu to surpass his teacher, although this can be debated. He is such a badass. Shu Quotes: §1 Leon: "You forgot Rule #1 in 'the book.' Don't put yourself in danger." Shu: "I had to throw away 'the book.' You read it too many times..." §2 "Every lie contains the truth, and every truth contains a lie..." §3 To Riou "If it means protecting you, I'll do whatever is necessary." §4 To Riou and Jowy "Without you two, we wouldn't have peace in this land." §5 "But I want you to think of that pain as the pain of the people who believed in you." §6 To Fitcher "Yes, I'm going to get a lot of use out of that clever mouth of yours." §7 "The forces behind this war are about to reach their limit. The winners will win everything, the losers will lose everything." §8 "This is a gamble. And since we are risking everything, it's a big gamble. But if we don't risk our lives, we can't win this war." §9 "Listen Up. Follow my orders and do as I say and we can defeat the Highland Army. Don't believe in me and you're the loser. If you want to win, don't question me again. If you can't do that, I'll consider you an obstacle that needs to be removed." §10 To Viktor "Rulers change, borders change, countries change, but money is a constant. In fact, nothing better for business than a good war." §11 To Apple "Listen carefully. It's a war you're trying to get me involved with. How to kill, that's what you and I studied. In the last battle, Viktor's fort was burned to the ground because your strategy failed. How many people died? Do you even know? And if your strategy had been successful, it would also have meant the loss of life. Can you really bear that burden?" §12 "In order to keep this land, we've had no choice but to fight. History has proven that. Human wisdom has its limits." §13 "This will be the fiercest battle yet, and anyone unwilling to die should leave now. You will not be pursued. No one will blame you." §14 "The winners will win everything, the losers will lose everything. Both the State and Highland will be betting their existence on this battle. You have two choices. One is to stay the course. This is the easy road, but it is the path to defeat. The other is to fight for victory for all. This is a thorny path, but it is the path of Kings. I await your decision, Lord Riou."

