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SCP-096 "The Shy Guy" MBTI Personality Type

SCP-096 "The Shy Guy" MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is SCP-096 "The Shy Guy"? SCP-096 "The Shy Guy" is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/so - 946 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, in Socionics.

Our little shy guy is docile just until someone looks at his face, but that doesn't make him E9. While he carries the fear of being seen by others, it should be noted that this comes from his poor self-image, not a fear of being threatened itself. Plus he doesn't fit any of the E6 subtypes either. The closest thing he is a Sexual Six, but unlike actual Sexual Sixes, 096 doesn't try to look intimidating on the outside, but instead hides away and hopes not to be seen by anyone. Now while this might make him look like an E9, 096 constantly dwells on the feeling of self-frustration and suffering, which leads him to use his own pain for revenge on others who ridicules him. This contradicts the trait of E9 ignoring their anger and staying in their comfort zone. Parts of E4 Trait Structure (I highlighted the parts that apply to 096 in capital letters): "Envy: love hunger, guilty/controlled greed, over-desiring, SELF-FRUSTRATION, pursuit of the extraordinary and intense, dissatisfaction with the ordinary, extreme neediness but disliking neediness POOR SELF-IMAGE: feeling inadequate, prone to shame, sense of ridicule, feeling unintelligent/ugly/repulsive/rotten/poisonous, unfair self-criticism, clingy, demanding, biting, dependent, over-attached FOCUS ON SUFFERING: use pain as revenge, unconscious hope of obtaining love through suffering, sensitive, intense, passionate, romantic, suffer from loneliness, may feel their life is "tragic", deep longing, nostalgic, intimately forlorn, often languorous and pessimistic/bitter, lamenting, complaining, despondent, self-pitying, feeling of loss or fear of future loss, mourning, amplification of suffering, purposely make painful choices, victimization EMOTIONALITY: emotions mixed with intellectual interests and introversion, INTENSE EMOTIONS INCLUDING HATRED" So yeah, I would honestly say he's a quite obvious E4. Any other opinions?


SCP-096 is a skinny humanoid creature with disproportionately long arms, no body hair or skin pigmentation, and a jaw that can open 4 times larger than an average human. 096 is normally extremely docile, but when someone views the creature's face, either directly, via video recording, or in a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. Those who view the creature's face will henceforth be known as SCP-096-1. If its face is seen, 096 will begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently, before charging to 096-1. Upon arriving at their location, 096 will proceed to kill 096-1 in a way that leaves no trace of the body.

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