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Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop) MBTI Personality Type

Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop)? Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop) is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sx - 479 in Enneagram, in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

Its interesting how you can observe her inferior Si through her work. She's definitely super ambitious and big picture oriented in her projects, but the details are where she falls short. She has a million ideas but struggles to put them all together into one cohesive thing. Just an interesting thought. IDK much about the artists she works with, but working with some higher Ni, Se and Ti types could really help in balancing everything out and putting her ideas into something more cohesive, logically sound, and aesthetically pleasing. I also don't believe she's an agreeable type. I don't think she could have pulled off what she did by being agreeable. She really had to push the boundaries (her tert Te must have come in handy) its probably where these "mean boss" accusations come from.


Vivienne Maree Medrano (born October 28, 1992 in Maryland), better known online as VivziePop, is a Salvadoran-American animator and cartoonist who is known for being the creator of the webcomic Zoophobia, as well as the Horror Comedy musical shows Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Vivienne studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and graduated in 2014, and is the founder of SpindleHorse Toons. She's also a huge fan of musical theatre. And Kesha.

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