Elagabalus MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Elagabalus? Elagabalus is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - - 738 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

i feel like because they were an emperor it can be tempting to vote SEE since Se sociobase is all about organising people but tbh Elagabalus didn't seem so military minded as hedonistic and emotional. they obviously did things to get a response from others which is Fe base emotional control as well as 2E provocativeness - Fe base doesn't mean nice y'all. they literally gave people dead dogs as gifts to encite reactions from them, idk what else they could do to be more 2E. additionally, Fe sociobase places value on what gives oneself passion which explains the Jung Fi hedonism. EIE also makes more sense than SEE as both types value Se but Elagabalus seemed too dismissive to be a Te valuer like an Se type; Te demo in the EIE makes way more sense. i think Ne ve Se is hard because it's more about the 'why' rather than 'what' because Pe values external interaction anyway and obviously we can't ask Elagabalus why they did what they did. i feel inclined to vote ESFP though because they didn't seem disconnected enough with their actions to be Ne dom, they seemed very aware of how certain stimuli will affect themselves and others.


Elagabalus, also known as Heliogabalus (Latin: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; c. 203 – March 11, 222), was Roman emperor from 218 to 222. A member of the Severan dynasty, he was Syrian, the second son of Julia Soaemias and Sextus Varius Marcellus.
