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Laala Manaka MBTI Personality Type

Laala Manaka MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Laala Manaka? Laala Manaka is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 297 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

ENFP Ne - She has an really open mind, and has her head in the clouds really often. (come on watch Idol Time, she and Yui are almost the same) Fi - At first she was really insecure about her loud voice, she has strongs feelings and high empaty but she don’t show too much and she is determined when it comes to her goals or the happiness of others. She have really Strong values (come on watch season 2 and 3) Te - I’m not sure about how she use Te, but you can see that she become really more mature in season 3 and Idol Time. (She's still to young to have her tert function but...) Si - Si is her weakest function, because of this she has a habit of mixing up word pronunciation and meanings of things and the other characters correct her, making the scene funny. Si function pays closer attention to detail. Of course inferior Si Enneagram 2w1 = she really care about her friends and she always says that everyone is friends (Makes she looks like Fe dom/user) 9w1 = she's very pacifist and doesn't seem to like competing 7w6 = she's very happy and optimistic (sorry if any mistakes, english is not my first language, and I'm not good explaining things but I'm trying by best)


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