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Yowai Totoko MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yowai Totoko? Yowai Totoko is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 387 in Enneagram, in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

Can we take a moment to discuss totoko's personality? I feel like this profile lacks a lot of substance... First of all, I don't think she's much of an Si/Ne user at all. Like happi said, shes very in tune and obsessed with her looks and material things. I think she's in a loop with Se, much like how Todomatsu (ENFJ) is in an Fe-Se loop shown by his obsession with social media likes and stuff. Also I just don't see much Ne Now for her dominant function... I can clearly see why she's overwhelmingly voted as an Fe dom, hell i thought she was one until i kinda realized she doesn't have many tendencies of one. She's obsessed with her social apperance...? Of course, but this trait can also be as a result of her 3 core, one of their key trais being a need for a good public image and recognition for talent. Besides this, she lacks pretty much all Fe dom traits. "People with a dominant Fe strive for harmony of the group." "Dominant Fe's are all about helping people." She really isnt like this at all.... From the s3 episodes where she asks the omusubis to measure her worth as an idol, we can gather that she puts value towards a rational empirical data system. Throughout the entirity of the series, we see she is hesitant to leave behind her fish idol schtick (inf Fi), while I think an Fe dom would be willing to accept that cats are more appropriate for an idol. Hell, she didn't even realize what the feeling of JEALOUSY was (again, inf Fi maybe?) until told by others. I'm not even completly sure about this myself, but please dont think shes an Fe dom just because she has a cutesy charm. Te doms are perfectly capable of putting up a front as much as Fe doms are


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