Keanu Reeves MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Keanu Reeves? Keanu Reeves is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - 964 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

people are saying how he is Se because how physical he seems. he has very well developed Si so he likes practicing physical stuff. i am INFP and i love running. and martial art is ART. -when i do presentation my teacher always complaint how much i move my hand uncontrollably. he does the same in almost all interviews. high Se will have more controlled body movements. -he mostly answers question with a story. he is always enthusiastic with story telling (that is moving hands and demonstrating). that's his Si child function. 3rd function is considered to represent person happiness and childness. secondly, for those who think he is Fe. don't misunderstand Fe and Fi. helping people doesn't mean someone Fe. Fi peoples have a self created morals so they may be even more helpful than Fe users. Fe user helping becomes really apparent and visible but Fi being internal or inward doesn't seem as much apparent. so point is both are helpful to people.


Keanu Charles Reeves ( kee-AH-noo; born September 2, 1964) is a Canadian actor, director, producer, and musician. He gained fame for his starring role performances in several blockbuster films, including comedies from the Bill and Ted franchise (1989–1991); action thrillers Point Break (1991), Speed (1994), and the John Wick franchise; psychological thriller The Devil's Advocate (1997); supernatural thriller Constantine (2005); and science fiction/action series The Matrix (1999–2003).
