Jaina Proudmoore MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is Jaina Proudmoore? Jaina Proudmoore is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 125 in Enneagram, in Big 5, EII in Socionics.
Jaina is one of the characters that has undergone the most growth throughout the series. In warcraft 3, she's this nerdy student who just wants everything to be peaceful so she can study. In her own words, she hates resorting to violence, and believes there is a peaceful solution to any problem. She is so dedicated to peace that she goes against her own father, hometown, and lover, in order to maintain her plans at peaceful negotiations with the Horde. She definitley gives Fe-Ti vibes here. In pre-MoP WoW, she is busy building and leading her own city, where Horde and Alliance can peacefully co-exist. She believes this will be the pebble that will cause the ripples of peace to wash over Azeroth. She has her sights so focused on this big-picture planning, that she fails to see what is right in front of her - that the Alliance and Horde don't actually *want* peace. This is a classic example of dominant Ni and inferior Se - especially in young, privileged, naive people, like Jaina. Once MoP comes along and Jaina is faced with the destruction of her peace, she is snapped into her inferior-function - Se. Her entire world view, everything that has driven her up to this point- has been completely shattered. The big picture that she was so focused on burns up right in front of her (quite literally, when Theramore is nuked). She becomes blinded by fury and starts to lead with Se - making the impulsive decision to murder all Horde - including the peaceful ones on the Kirin Tor - because she can no longer trust her Ni-fuelled plans that Azeroth will know peace because of her. It takes her a long time to learn to trust herself again, but once she does, she jumps back on her plans to unite the world in peace in BFA. However, she has grown and matured since MoP, and learned to temper her Se. Now, instead of naively believing that if she just shows peace, everyone will do the same, she believes that in order to achieve peace, she must get rid of those who desire war. And so she does. Throughout BFA, she is involved with uniting allies, rallying armies, formulating battleplans, and fighting on the battlefield. However, she never, ever loses sight of the big picture - seen when she readily accepts those peaceful Horde (Thrall, Baine, Lor'themar, Thalyssra, etc.) into her life with open arms. Throughout each phase of her life, there is one thing at the forefront of her mind: her plan for peace. We see her grow from the naive belief that if she just shows everyone else peace, everyone will be peaceful back to her, to the despair at believing she will never unite the world and peace will never be achievable, to her current viewpoint that she and her friends can still unite the world, but that the peace she dreams of must be fought for, as much as she hates resorting to violence. She is such a wonderfully developed character, and I believe that she perfectly embodies the struggles and successes of the the INFJs.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore is the daughter of Daelin and Katherine Proudmoore, and sister of Derek and Tandred. She is considered one of the finest mages in all Azeroth[10] and the most powerful human sorceress alive.[11][12] She is the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, the former leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, and of the port-city of Theramore. Trained as the personal agent of Archmage Antonidas, the late leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran, she was sent to investigate the plague of undeath with Prince Arthas Menethil, her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest. She witnessed the first stages of the fall of Lordaeron during the Third War firsthand and, guided by a mysterious prophet later revealed as Medivh, Jaina rallied what survivors she could find and fled across the sea to Kalimdor. There, her expedition forces joined together with the night elves and the New Horde and defeated the Burning Legion during the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
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