Bono MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Bono? Bono is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 269 in Enneagram, in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Yeah popular opinion is ENFJ 2w3 sx/so. That seems correct but I will contest 269. I watched a documentary on Achtung Baby and I was surprised that the guy is really assertive and more diagreaable than I realised. So that makes me certain he has an 8 fix. The 2-8 is like an aggressive teddy bear (right?) and I guess I can see that in him. But I think he's possibly 386, and we can see some 3-8 dominance and high projected confidence. He could be 3w2, he has some strong 3 characteristics like hyperawareness of image, massive driven for achievement and recognition


Paul David Hewson (born 10 May 1960), known by his stage name Bono, is an Irish singer-songwriter, musician, venture capitalist, businessman, and philanthropist. He is best known as the lead vocalist and primary lyricist of rock band U2. Bono was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Aside from his music, Bono is an activist for social justice causes, both through U2 and as an individual. He is particularly active in campaigning for Africa, for which he co-founded DATA, EDUN, the ONE Campaign, and Product Red. In pursuit of these causes, he has participated in benefit concerts and lobbied politicians and heads of state for relief. Bono has been honoured for his philanthropic efforts. In 2005, Bono was named one of the Time Persons of the Year. He was granted an honorary knighthood by Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in 2007 for, "his services to the music industry and for his humanitarian work." #Bono #PaulDavidHewson

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