Farid MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Farid? Farid is an personality type in MBTI, - sp/sx - 268 in Enneagram, in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

How can Farid be an ISFJ? I just can't see it. Like, analysis of him is; 1. He's obviously an introvert. I know he has no problem talking to people, but he's very private. He doesn't like to chat (only to Dustfinger, but he's an exception). Farid is the guy who listen, think and then talk. 2. I think everyone agrees he's a sensor. He's very practical, down-to-earth, and prefere pratical skills over academics, very instinctive. 3. Here there's a disagreement. I saw a lot os people see him as a feeler, and I don't see this way. He's kind of emotional, principally when it comes to Dustfinger, but he's always very logical when he's making decisions, sometimes even a little insensible, like when he sugests them to kill Basta in Inkheart. He's not evil, but he knew it was the best way to handle the situation. In Inkdeath, the way he leaves Meggie and don't fully understands why she's mad proves that he doens't understand a lot about human emotions. He care about people (mostly Dustfinger), but taht doens't make him a feeler. 4. Now, I just can't understand who thinks Farid is an perceiver. He's always moving and is totaly okay not knowing if there's gonna be food in the next day. Altough he's very good making plans, he only makes short-term plans. he's actualy a very good improviser. He doesn't need order to live, he uses the chaos in his favor. I think who classified him as an ISFJ is only thinking about his relationship with Dustfinger and the stereotype this type has of being caring. If your're basing this analysis in stereotypes, you'll also see he has a lot in common with ISTP's personality type.


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