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Alessandro Nesta MBTI Personality Type

Alessandro Nesta MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Alessandro Nesta? Alessandro Nesta is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Alessandro Nesta ha una personalità introversa, che può essere visto dalla sua autovalutazione e dai commenti di altri giocatori su di lui. Non usa spesso Ne e Ti, come si può vedere dalle sue interviste. Non usa Ni spesso e non passa molto tempo a pensare al futuro; ovviamente questo si vede anche dalle sue interviste. Ha usato Si più di Se, e pensava di poter difendere chiunque tranne Ronaldo del Brasile nel suo periodo migliore, perché sentiva la stessa differenza quando difendeva gli altri, ma si sentiva diverso quando difendeva Ronaldo (ovviamente ha anche difeso con successo Ronaldo molte volte). Sembra usare Fe più spesso che Te: il suo forte sentimento si vede nelle esperienze dell'infanzia, nell'esperienza di dover lasciare la Lazio, nell'esperienza ai Mondiali, nella reazione al ricongiungimento con il suo ex allenatore Sven-Göran Eriksson, e ha sottolineato l'importanza di trattare con le persone che Sven-Göran Eriksson gli ha insegnato. Anche la Fe di Carlo Ancelotti gli è stata di grande aiuto. Inoltre, alcuni dei giocatori che ha allenato in precedenza durante la sua travagliata carriera da allenatore sono disposti a venire nel suo club attuale per seguirlo. Tuttavia, ha anche sviluppato un po' di Te nel corso della sua carriera, ma questa funzione non è quella che usa regolarmente. Alessandro Nesta has an introverted personality, which can be seen from his self-evaluation and some other players' comments on him. He doesn't use Ne and Ti often, as can be seen from his interviews. He doesn't use Ni often, and he doesn't spend much time thinking about the future; of course, this can also be seen from his interviews. He used Si more than Se, and he thought he could defend anyone except Ronaldo of Brazil in his prime, because he felt the same difference when defending other people, but he felt different when defending Ronaldo (of course, he also successfully defended Ronaldo many times). He seems to use Fe more often than Te: his strong feeling can be seen in his childhood experiences, his experience of having to leave Lazio, his World Cup experience, his reaction to reunite with his former coach Sven-Göran Eriksson, and he stressed the importance of dealing with people that Sven-Göran Eriksson taught him. Carlo Ancelotti's Fe has also been of great help to Nesta. In addition, some of the players he previously coached during his previously troubled coaching career are willing to come to his current club to follow him. However, he has also developed some Te throughout his career, but this function is not one he uses regularly. 亚历山德罗·内斯塔拥有内倾的性格,这一点能够从他对自己的评价和一些其他球员对他的评价中得来。他不常使用Ne和Ti,这一点能够从他的采访中得来。他不常使用Ni,他并没有花太多时间在对未来的思考上;当然,这一点也能够从他的采访中得来。他使用Si多于Se,他认为自己能够在巅峰时期防住除了巴西的罗纳尔多以外的任何人,因为他在防守其他人时产生的感觉没有什么不同,但他在防罗纳尔多时感觉到了不同(当然,很多时候他也成功地防下了罗纳尔多)。他似乎更经常使用Fe而不是Te:他强烈的情感能够在他的童年经历、他不得不离开拉齐奥的经历、他的世界杯经历、他重新见到他以前的教练埃里克森时的反应中体现,而且他强调了埃里克森教给他的为人处世的重要性。而安切洛蒂的Fe对内斯塔的帮助也很大。此外,在他之前并不顺利的教练生涯中,一些他以前带领的球员愿意来到他现在的俱乐部追随他。不过,他在整个职业生涯中也发展了一些Te,但这一功能并不是他平时经常使用的功能。


Alessandro Nesta (Italian pronunciation: [alesˈsandro ˈnɛsta]; born 19 March 1976) is an Italian professional football manager and former player. He is currently the head coach of Perugia.Widely considered to be one of the best centre backs of his time and also as one of the greatest defenders ever, he was best known for his pace, artistic tackles, elegance on the ball, distribution and tight marking of opponents. He made over 400 Serie A appearances in a 20-year career spread between Lazio and Milan, winning domestic and European honours with both clubs as well as playing in Major League Soccer (MLS) for the Montreal Impact. He also had a stint with Chennaiyin FC of the Indian Super League.

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