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Masashi Kishimoto MBTI Personality Type

Masashi Kishimoto MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Masashi Kishimoto? Masashi Kishimoto is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - sp/so - 396 in Enneagram, RLUAN in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

How to write female characters: 1- Make a character 2- Write it as you would write a male one 3- Make it female 4- The only difference may be how society treats them (depends on the context of the world you're writting) and that's it I don't know how he doesn't know something so basic. I really dislike this guy, his work is the definition of wasted potential, not only with characters, but with the villages and world too. He has Ni over Ne, but its terciary and it shows (he doesn't have a lot of new ideas, so he just played with already established concepts like hashirama, the uchihas, obito, hokages... etc etc, but he isn't very good at it and the ending went downhill).


Masashi Kishimoto (岸本 斉史 Kishimoto Masashi, born November 8, 1974) is a Japanese manga artist, well known for creating the manga series Naruto which was in serialization from 1999 to 2014. As of April 2018, Naruto manga has sold 235 million copies worldwide. The series has been adapted into two anime and multiple films, video games, and related media. Besides the Naruto manga, Kishimoto also personally supervised the two canonical anime films, The Last: Naruto the Movie and Boruto: Naruto the Movie, and has written several one-shot stories.

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