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  3. Fargo (2014)

Lorne Malvo (S1) MBTI Personality Type

Lorne Malvo (S1) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Lorne Malvo (S1)? Lorne Malvo (S1) is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/sp - 783 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Im surprised theres not more ISTP votes. I think INTP because from what i remember it seems like he uses Ti over Ne (but it might only seem that way because he is so quiet) but i understand the ENTP and ISTP votes, but why is INTJ so high?? Also i see a few people confused about how hes a 7 core. The way i see it is he is always trying to find a new thing to entertain himself. He decides to screw up the life of some random dude with a broken nose he met at the hospital two minutes ago. He decides to turn his entire life around and go under a new identity. He does all of this stuff for no reason other than hes bored and wants to mess with people because he finds it fun. Hes a very messed up 7 core lol with a very high 8 as well, which i guess is why a lot of people think hes an 8w7 too.


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