Shy/Avoidant Personality MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is Shy/Avoidant Personality? Shy/Avoidant Personality is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 649 in Enneagram, RLUAI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.
SHY STYLES, RETICENT TYPES, AVOIDANT DISORDERS: THE SRA SPECTRUM Behavioral Level: (F) Expressively Fretful (e.g., conveys personal unease and disquiet, a constant timorous, hesitant, and restive state; overreacts to innocuous events and anxiously judges them to signify ridicule, criticism, and disapproval). (F) Interpersonally Aversive (e.g., distances from activities that involve intimate personal relationships and reports extensive history of social pan-anxiety and distrust; seeks acceptance, but is unwilling to get involved unless certain to be liked, maintaining distance and privacy to avoid being shamed and humiliated). Phenomenological Level: (F) Cognitively Distracted (e.g., warily scans environment for potential threats and is preoccupied by intrusive and disruptive random thoughts and observations; an upwelling from within of irrelevant ideation upsets thought continuity and interferes with social communications and accurate appraisals). (S) Alienated Self-Image (e.g., sees self as socially inept, inadequate, and inferior, justifying thereby his or her isolation and rejection by others; feels personally unappealing, devalues self-achievements, and reports persistent sense of aloneness and emptiness). (S) Vexatious Contents (e.g., internalized representations are composed of readily reactivated, intense, and conflict-ridden memories of problematic early relations; limited avenues for experiencing or recalling gratification, and few mechanisms to channel needs, bind impulses, resolve conflicts, or deflect external stressors). Intrapsychic Level: (F) Fantasy Dynamics (e.g., depends excessively on imagination to achieve need gratification, confidence building, and conflict resolution; withdraws into reveries as a means of safely discharging frustrated affectionate, as well as angry impulses). (S) Fragile Architecture (e.g., a precarious complex of tortuous emotions depend almost exclusively on a single modality for its resolution and discharge, that of avoidance, escape, and fantasy and, hence, when faced with personal risks, new opportunities, or unanticipated stress, few morphologic structures are available to deploy and few back-up positions can be reverted to, short of regressive decompensation). Biophysical Level: (S) Anguished Mood (e.g., describes constant and confusing undercurrent of tension, sadness, and anger; vacillates between desire for affection, fear of rebuff, embarrassment, and numbness of feeling). Enhancement (Pleasure): Weak on Polarity Dimension Preservation (Pain): Strong on Polarity Dimension Accommodation (Passive): Weak on Polarity Dimension Modification (Active): Strong on Polarity Dimension Individuation (Self): Moderate on Polarity Dimension Nurturance (Other): Moderate on Polarity Dimension
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