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1st Will MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is 1st Will? 1st Will is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 837 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

ENTJ/ESTJ - 8w7/8w9/3w4 - so/sp, sx/sp, sx/so, so/sx - sx8/so8/sx1/sp8/sp3 - 837/835/385/836/386/863/853/864/136/358 - LIE/SLE/EIE - Lawful Evil/Neutral Evil/Chaotic Evil - Sco|E|n - Vxxx - Choleric/Choleric-Sanguine/Choleric-Phlegmatic/Choleric-Melancholic - ET(N)/ES(T)/ET(S)/EF(N) The percents represents the percentage of profiles of that type that is 1st-Will. The above vote is the typing which best represents 1st-Will. ENTJ 82.95% ESTJ 70.24% ESTP 50.02% ENTP 45.78% ENFJ 42.54% INTJ 39.33% ISTP 23.89% ESFP 22.69% ISTJ 20.6% ENFP 15.69% INFJ 14.09% ESFJ 12.25% ISFP 7.87% INTP 4.86% ISFJ 2.42% INFP 1.61% 8w7 78.05% 8w9 70.93% 3w4 62.61% 3w2 48.03% 7w8 42.54% 1w2 40.79% 1w9 33.18% 5w6 17.7% 2w3 17% 6w7 15.07% 2w1 14.06% 5w4 12.92% 7w6 12.4% 6w5 11.19% 4w3 9.62% 9w8 6.6% 4w5 4.5% 9w1 1.88% so/sp 35.82% sx/sp 33.46% sx/so 31.31% so/sx 29.83% sp/sx 24.56% sp/so 21.19% sx8 79.87% so8 75.12% sx1 71.21% sp8 69.41% sp3 63.15% so3 61.38% so1 46.3% sp7 40.52% sx3 38.99% so7 25.78% sx6 24.28% sx7 23.96% so2 23.91% so5 23.52% sp1 22.92% sx5 18.78% so6 14.55% sp5 11.77% sx2 11.23% sx4 10.21% sp6 5.67% sp4 5.4% sx9 4.82% so9 4.75% sp2 4.3% so4 2.65% sp9 2.43% 837 90% 835 87.76% 385 85.71% 836 85.11% 386 77.55% 863 77.55% 853 76.09% 864 71.11% 136 70.21% 358 70.21% 873 70% 135 68.89% 173 68.42% 847 68.29% 317 66.67% 315 65.71% 874 65.22% 846 62.86% 387 62.5% 783 62.5% 368 61.7% 825 60.87% 852 60.87% 854 60% 826 59.46% 351 58.7% 361 56.82% 137 55.17% 827 54.29% 286 52.94% 359 52.78% 316 52.17% 845 51.35% 712 50% 731 50% 378 48.98% 872 48.94% 127 48.57% 738 48% 784 47.92% 371 46.51% 682 44.68% 215 44.44% 285 44.44% 583 43.75% 862 43.59% 258 42.86% 217 42.5% 582 41.94% 287 41.3% 538 40.82% 145 40.54% 395 40% 153 38.3% 638 38.1% 163 38% 584 37.5% 147 37.04% 174 36.36% 396 35.48% 271 35.42% 172 34.78% 721 34.29% 125 34.15% 683 34.04% 714 33.33% 154 31.91% 164 30.95% 782 29.55% 146 29.41% 748 29.17% 713 29.03% 631 28.26% 487 28.21% 251 28.13% 528 28% 485 27.78% 397 27.59% 684 26% 379 25.53% 278 25% 162 24.49% 152 24.44% 741 21.21% 369 21.05% 126 20.83% 261 20.45% 613 19.15% 728 19.15% 417 17.24% 297 16.28% 513 16% 935 16% 539 15.91% 268 15.56% 259 15.38% 415 15.38% 937 15.38% 458 15.22% 279 14.58% 541 14.58% 739 14.58% 793 14.58% 216 14.29% 531 13.95% 641 13.89% 486 13.64% 639 13.33% 648 12.5% 729 12.5% 478 12.24% 621 12.2% 514 12% 628 11.9% 548 10.64% 614 10.64% 936 10.26% 451 9.52% 749 8.51% 416 8.11% 471 7.5% 512 6.98% 629 6.82% 953 6.82% 792 6.67% 521 6.45% 461 6.38% 972 6.38% 973 6.38% 479 6.12% 594 6.12% 612 6.12% 529 5.41% 925 5.13% 945 4.65% 947 4.65% 963 4.55% 269 4.44% 794 4.35% 592 4.26% 964 4.26% 459 4.17% 468 4.08% 549 4% 962 4% 295 3.33% 495 2.5% 693 2.5% 296 2.22% 593 2.17% 649 2.13% 927 2.13% 946 2.13% 952 2.13% 694 2.08% 926 2% 469 0% 496 0% 497 0% 692 0% 954 0% 974 0% LIE 78.05% SLE 77.5% EIE 53.71% LSE 52.36% LSI 41.94% SEE 39.69% ILE 36.17% ESI 19.22% ESE 10.78% IEE 10.19% ILI 9.67% LII 7.97% SLI 5.07% SEI 3.07% IEI 2.5% EII 2.47% Lawful Evil 67.68% Neutral Evil 65.35% Chaotic Evil 64% Chaotic Neutral 40.58% Lawful Neutral 36.39% Chaotic Good 25.2% True Neutral 17.92% Lawful Good 17.42% Neutral Good 10.45% S (Social) 38.63% R (Reserved) 17.86% C (Calm) 29.89% L (Limbic) 27.2% O (Organized) 35.38% U (Unstructured) 21.61% A (Accommodating) 13.32% E (Egocentric) 45.15% I (Inquisitive) 28.42% N (Non-Curious) 28.98% Choleric [Dominant] 76.28% Choleric-Sanguine 62.96% Choleric-Phlegmatic 56.3% Choleric-Melancholic 55.99% Sanguine-Choleric 41.5% Phlegmatic-Choleric 33.25% Melancholic-Choleric 32.84% Sanguine [Dominant] 19.62% Sanguine-Phlegmatic 17.97% Sanguine-Melancholic 14.91% Melancholic-Sanguine 10.92% Phlegmatic-Sanguine 10.44% Phlegmatic-Melancholic 5.8% Phlegmatic [Dominant] 5.77% Melancholic [Dominant] 5.21% Melancholic-Phlegmatic 5.02% ET(N) 78.15% ES(T) 63.66% ET(S) 60.1% EF(N) 58.66% EN(T) 44.44% ES(F) 33.59% IN(T) 25.03% IT(S) 21.91% EN(F) 14.21% IF(S) 14.16% EF(S) 11.56% IN(F) 9.57% IS(T) 8.88% IT(N) 5.87% IF(N) 1.63% IS(F) 1.22%


1st Will - TSAR: "1st Will is a born leader. They say leaders are not born, but made. However, this, like many other common truths, does not withstand the test of experience. Leaders are born, and not only among people, but also among animals. For example, chickens barely hatch, but they already know which of them is who, who, as biologists say, is an “alpha” individual, and she herself knows that she is “alpha”, and the first one walks to the feeder, graciously allowing the rest, from " beta" to "omega", move after you. And the established order of pecking never changes."
