Hazel MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Hazel? Hazel is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Okay, her Ni is obvious in the show. Now, Fe suits her somewhat well. She has this "condition" or idk what it is, so she was not that outgoing at first. She wants to fit in, connect with people and make friends And Now about Te. She says things exactly how they are and she is not afraid of people's reaction : like when she voiced her true opinion about her bsf's dad or when she told the teacher about her bald head and when she told hunter about his bad grades and blabla ( and all these, without any sugar coating) She voices her thoughts ( Im referring to the external thinking thing, if that makes sense. Im not saying that Ti can't voice their thoughts, but Te is more external? 😭 Sorry, I can't explain this very well) She can't read people and their intentions that well. (ex: She trusted stacy with hunter 's secret, just because she was supposed to be his gf [ she is also basing her actions on facts here ] and also hunter. It was obvious that hunter liked her but she couldn't she through it) At the start of the episode, she said that she was fine not having friends and this shows that she is not that much of a Fe user? . Maybe she just wanted to fit in because she just wanted it. Like not in a Fe way but in a Fi way.


