Sinbad the Sailor MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Sinbad the Sailor? Sinbad the Sailor is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - - in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.


Sinbad (or Hinbad) the Porter stops to rest outside the mansion of Sinbad the merchant, and laments that for chance he missed out on the amazing riches of the latter, which he won very easily. However, who should hear him but Sinbad the Sailor? Rather than be angry at his jealousy, he invites the porter to dine with him and regales him for seven consecutive nights with the tales of his fortunes and misfortunes, adventures and perils, giving him a hundred gold coins at the end of each. Despite being commonly called "the Sailor," Sinbad is a merchant and a ship-owner, and has adventures in places reached by sailing, but is not himself a sailor of any sort; at most, he occasionally improvises rafts for emergency travel. Some translations call him something like "Sindbad of the Sea", which might be more accurate.

Literature Characters Similar to Sinbad the Sailor
