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Accommodating (Thinkers) MBTI Personality Type

Accommodating (Thinkers) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Accommodating (Thinkers)? Accommodating (Thinkers) is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

ISTJ/INTP/ENTP - 1w9/5w6/9w8/1w2/6w5 - sp/so, so/sp, sp/sx - sp1/so5/so6/so1/so7 - 592/512/528/953/529/862/612 - LII/LSE - Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral/Chaotic Good - rCo|A|i - LFEV/LVFE/FLEV/FVLE/LVEF - Sanguine-Phlegmatic/Phlegmatic-Choleric/Phlegmatic/Phlegmatic-Melancholic/Phlegmatic-Sanguine - IT(N)/IS(T)/EN(T)/ET(S) The percents represents the percentage of profiles of that type that is both Accommodating in Big Five and thinking in MBTI. The above vote is the typing which best represents Accommodating in Big Five while being thinking in MBTI. ISTJ 45.6% INTP 40.57% ENTP 32.42% ESTP 24.96% ISTP 24.66% ESTJ 23.02% INTJ 17.13% ENTJ 7.4% ESFJ 0% ISFJ 0% ENFP 0% INFP 0% ESFP 0% ISFP 0% ENFJ 0% INFJ 0% 1w9 26.58% 5w6 26.52% 9w8 25.3% 1w2 23.85% 6w5 20.14% 5w4 20.01% 7w6 19.32% 7w8 14.51% 6w7 13.42% 3w2 11.79% 8w9 9.97% 9w1 6.71% 3w4 4.88% 8w7 4.51% 4w5 3.89% 2w3 1.9% 4w3 1.55% 2w1 0.84% sp/so 19.84% so/sp 18.66% sp/sx 12.24% so/sx 11.77% sx/so 8.88% sx/sp 7.16% sp1 30.76% so5 30.13% so6 27.54% so1 24.6% so7 23.59% sp5 23.07% sp9 21.21% sp6 17.27% sx7 16.79% so8 15.05% sx5 12.28% sp3 11.98% sx9 10.19% sp7 8.75% sx6 8.01% so9 7.63% so3 7.06% sx1 5.47% sp4 5.45% sx8 5.28% sp8 4.42% sx3 4.08% so2 2.24% so4 1.76% sx2 1.36% sx4 1.29% sp2 0.47% 592 67.35% 512 63.27% 528 50% 953 45.83% 529 45.45% 862 44.68% 612 42% 793 39.58% 613 38.78% 162 38% 593 37.5% 693 37.21% 872 36.73% 153 36% 539 34.09% 163 34% 639 32.65% 739 32.65% 952 32.65% 935 32.43% 731 31.71% 152 30.61% 594 30.61% 954 30.61% 359 29.41% 782 28% 137 27.91% 521 27.91% 827 27.5% 937 27.5% 973 27.08% 531 26.53% 712 26.19% 682 26.09% 964 26% 714 25.71% 164 25.53% 136 25% 852 24.39% 974 24% 173 23.33% 713 22.86% 794 22.45% 582 22.22% 514 22% 826 21.95% 395 21.88% 825 21.88% 631 20.83% 741 20.51% 316 20.41% 729 20.41% 549 20% 749 20% 963 18.75% 792 18.37% 694 18% 728 18% 972 18% 369 17.39% 135 16.67% 154 16.67% 513 16.33% 315 16.28% 126 16% 174 16% 692 16% 145 15% 259 14.71% 621 14.29% 628 14.29% 397 13.51% 317 12.5% 925 12.5% 351 12.24% 614 12.24% 146 12.2% 962 12% 258 11.76% 172 11.54% 945 11.11% 125 10.2% 127 10% 459 10% 541 10% 748 10% 285 9.68% 416 9.09% 396 8.57% 368 8.51% 783 8.51% 854 8.33% 379 8% 548 8% 649 8% 147 7.41% 847 7.32% 215 7.14% 251 7.14% 845 7.14% 638 6.82% 936 6.82% 721 6.67% 371 6.52% 641 6.52% 358 6.25% 538 6.25% 863 6.25% 946 6.25% 361 6.12% 386 6.12% 684 6.12% 784 6.12% 629 6% 846 4.88% 415 4.65% 485 4.65% 451 4.35% 469 4.26% 471 4.26% 278 4.08% 378 4.08% 583 4.08% 648 4.08% 738 4.08% Lawful Good 21.88% Lawful Neutral 21.15% Chaotic Good 18.59% Neutral Good 12.31% True Neutral 12.13% Chaotic Neutral 8.21% Lawful Evil 2.49% Chaotic Evil 1.07% Neutral Evil 0.98% S (Social) 11.4% R (Reserved) 15.26% C (Calm) 18.36% L (Limbic) 7.49% O (Organized) 14.46% U (Unstructured) 12% A (Accommodating) 25.12% E (Egocentric) 0% I (Inquisitive) 13.44% N (Non-Curious) 12.92% LFEV 35.09% LVFE 33.28% FLEV 33.23% FVLE 28.23% LVEF 27.27% LEVF 22.48% FVEL 20.47% LFVE 19% VLEF 15.4% LEFV 15.3% FLVE 14.02% ELFV 10.38% VFEL 8.46% VEFL 8.38% VFLE 7.88% VLFE 7.59% VELF 6.94% EVLF 6.83% FELV 6.42% ELVF 5.47% EFLV 5.01% FEVL 4.09% EVFL 2.57% EFVL 1.91% Sanguine-Phlegmatic 22.52% Phlegmatic-Choleric 21.84% Phlegmatic [Dominant] 19.43% Phlegmatic-Melancholic 19.04% Phlegmatic-Sanguine 17.16% Melancholic-Phlegmatic 14.25% Choleric-Phlegmatic 14.21% Melancholic [Dominant] 14.01% Sanguine-Choleric 13.94% Melancholic-Choleric 10.47% Sanguine-Melancholic 9.83% Sanguine [Dominant] 9.59% Choleric-Sanguine 7.99% Choleric-Melancholic 6.49% Melancholic-Sanguine 6.22% Choleric [Dominant] 6.1% IT(N) 38.35% IS(T) 35.55% EN(T) 28.56% ET(S) 26.02% IT(S) 19.96% IN(T) 15.03% ES(T) 13.67% EN(F) 8.49% IS(F) 7.66% IF(S) 7.42% ET(N) 5.88% ES(F) 5.41% IN(F) 4.89% EF(N) 2.98% EF(S) 1.81% IF(N) 1.7%

