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Baba Shakti MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Baba Shakti? Baba Shakti is an personality type in MBTI, - so/sp - 258 in Enneagram, in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

A pretty good representation of a Social 7 villain. Constantly presents himself as a Saint and altruist to the people to hide his selfish desires. He fulfills his mental gluttony by being idolized and worshiped by the people as a religious figure. Constantly disregards any sort of physical pleasure or hedonism because the admiration of the people is what he wants most and is constantly trying to fulfill this hunger. He always has a way to use his long term planning and intellect towards getting to the top which is a fixation of sevens (planning).


“In the great tapestry of life, just one small ember can burn down everything. The very idea of him has to be extinguished.“

Movies Characters Similar to Baba Shakti

    Common Characteristics and Traits
