Frya MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Frya? Frya is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Frya was the primordial mother of the Frya's. She had twelve sons and twelve daughters in the primal history. She created the stand-script. She died around the time when Atland sank. "Frya was white, like snow in the blush of dawn, and the blue of her eyes surpassed that of the rainbow. Beautiful Frya! Like rays of the midday sun shone her hair, fine as gossamer strands. Adept Frya! If she parted her lips, the birds fell silent and the leaves became still. Formidable Frya! Under the force of her gaze, the lion would lie down at her feet and the viper hold back its venom. Immaculate Frya! Her food was honey and her drink was the dew, gathered from the bosom of flowers. Bright Frya! The first thing she taught her children was self-mastery, the second was love of virtue. And when they grew up, she gave them to understand the value of freedom, for she said: “Without freedom, all other virtues will only help make you into slaves."
