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Mia Williams MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Mia Williams? Mia Williams is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 864 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Mia has a lot of 8 traits but I don’t think her personality revolves around the 8’s fears, desires, and coping mechanisms. She seems to be more of a sx4—intense, artistic, deeply emotional, resentful, introspective, depressive, angry, idealistic, yearning for more out of life, feeling misunderstood. The sx instinct makes the 4 more openly resentful, combative, and angry, which can make the person seem like an 8, but Mia’s anger arises from a feeling of being misunderstood and not feeling accomplished nor loved. She does not feel as assured nor is she as strong-willed as an 8, which seems to be the crux of her sadness; she feels stuck, like she can't move forward or make her life better. She wants more than what life in her city can offer. She’s deeply idealistic and emotional, but doesn’t show it outwardly most of the time (Fi vs Fe—she is likely IxFP). She has a forceful and realistic way of interacting with the world, despite the idealism she buries deep inside herself, which can make her seem harsh and non-curious, but she’s actually deeply introspective and sad, and she has an artistic side to her, which manifests physically as a love for dance. Mia guards her emotions yet sometimes can’t help but let them cloud her better judgement. She grows emotionally attached to a select few people and things, highlighting her sx nature.


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