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LSI x EIE MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is LSI x EIE ? LSI x EIE is an personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

ISTj + ENFj : The Inspector and the Mentor “The Inspector” = ISTj = LSI (Ti-Se) “The Mentor” = ENFj = EIE (Fe-Ni) The Inspector is good at coming up with activities and measures for the nearest future and thoroughly thinking them over in advance. The Mentor, who is prone to sinking into doubts, needs such a concrete program of action. The Inspector’s precise, factually based logic leaves no space for conjectures, doubts, and exaggerations. His cold realism calms down his restless dual, who is impressed by The Inspector’s tendency for stability and organization. In him The Mentor finds support, solid backing, and reliable haven in his stormy dynamic life. The Mentor easily allows his partner to guide him in practical issues, although he may be obstinate in the sphere of concepts and ideas. In addition, he distracts The Inspector from being too scrupulous and his excessive attention to specifics by reorienting him at general axioms, larger scale patters, and far-reaching goals in life. The Inspector possesses well-developed power of will. He is capable of overcoming any difficulties with enviable courage, self-possession, and stoicism. At the same time he can keeping his dual in ‘firm hands’ while not allowing him to lose heart and faith in a positive outcome. The Inspector can mobilize himself and others in critical situations. However, in everyday life he is capable of patience and can wait for the situation to resolve itself, without hurrying up events. The Inspector believes in educational value of personal experience. The Inspector is distrustful of feelings of others, but he usually does not show this and communicates with them in a courteous and amiable manner. However, he soon grows tired of such interaction and, needing his solitude, he switches his attention to his hobbies or work. He likes a partner such as The Mentor who is capable of an ardent expression of his feelings, a kind that leaves no space for doubt. In this case The Inspector has only to see to it that his partner’s feelings remain stable; thus he takes ‘under his wing’ the one who needs him so much. If The Inspector meets coldness from the other person, he closes off and becomes inaccessible himself. He can for a long time suffer in his soul, as a result of which he may start quarrels for reasons seemingly unrelated to the real problem. The Mentor also needs situations of emotional discharge, which he adeptly sets up. Another weak point of The Inspector is his weak ability to understand the motives behind people’s behavior. This makes him mistrustful and private, and sometimes excessively suspicious. He may blame a person for something he is not guilty of, and in such cases it may be difficult to persuade him otherwise. On the other hand, The Inspector may underestimate the potential dangers; he may not foresee either positive or negative courses of of development of a situation. This makes him somewhat careless and short-sighted in his behavior and too hopeful for the victory of the common sense. The Inspector has difficulties accurately and by merit evaluating people’s capabilities, new developments and ideas, or non-traditional approaches. Others may accuse him of being too conservative or dogmatic. The Mentor, foreseeing all of this, provides him with timely advice, as well as helps by action, taking precautionary measures and explaining the possible negative outcomes of his actions. The Mentor calculates in advance all the possible options of the development of a critical situation. The Mentor is able to emotionally influence his partner and interest him by his ideas. He is a person of a refined metaphysically-oriented nature who constantly strives for self-development. This saves The Inspector from falling into a rut and the routine of everyday life, which is characteristic of him because due to his desire to organize everything and then change nothing. The Mentor is inclined to take on major projects without carefully evaluating his capabilities and resources. He needs advice of The Inspector on conducting practical activities, on rationality of his actions, on the economy of the resources, on the use and quality of things. He needs a person who will share responsibility with him and help in overcoming all the difficulties he has taken upon himself. Nobody can do it as efficiently as his dual. The Mentor sometimes lacks in will and is undemanding of others concerning fulfillment of concrete work. He willingly assigns people small errands, which many forget to fulfill – but not The Inspector! The Inspector is demanding of himself and of others. He can organize work and achieve results. The Mentor, feeling inspired by his dual, can fulfill large amount of work in a short period of time, and thus not disappoint his demanding partner.


LSI and EIE: Duality Feel free to discuss real-life experiences, fictional and famous examples, articles, the theory behind this type of relationship, and so on. Doesn't have to be romantic!
