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MF Te/Se PB/S(C) MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is MF Te/Se PB/S(C)? MF Te/Se PB/S(C) is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


**MF(Audio/Kinesthetic)** MF (Masculine Sensory/Feminine Decider) personality type, with masculine Se; which means a very destructive, punchy, and shovy approach to the concrete, real world. The Te is feminine. This implies a flexible, yet assertive approach to decision-making. Their Fi is masculine, indicating confidence in personal values and an ability to control emotions/reactions to emotions. Meanwhile, your Ni is feminine, suggesting adaptability in conceptual thinking and a tendency to being open to switching the concept/trend focus. (The following will not be the same for all of the same type) In terms of communication and learning preferences, they primarily rely on Audio with some Kinesthetics. Audios speak in a moderate tone of voice and have a preference for podcasts, lectures etc. Kinesthetics involvement is evident in stiff gestures that are barely noticeable. **Te/Se** They are single deciders (D), hence, double observers (OO) - balanced with chaos and order, but conflicted with/freaking out about the Tribe and the self. They are Tribe above self (De). Te and Se serve as your savior functions as a jumper (like ~50% of the population). Te is all about looking on the spectrum of Tribe/external world reasons. Te relies on external sources and validation. Se is all about gathering new experiences/facts/information; about the concrete, real world. These saviours make them part of the ST family - The Reporters; they see the reasons in the physical world, then seek to figure out the value in the abstract. They will record and tell stories accurately but be detached from the emotions, and latch onto the sensory, concrete, the real. Ni and Fi are this type's demons because they are jumpers. Ni as a demon will mean you fear guessing and taking leaps; following trends. You would keep taking in new, new, new, and avoid taking guesses. Fi as a demon will mean you will feel selfish when finally taking care of yourself at the end of the day. You will constantly go with the Tribe's reasons/decisions even if you do not value it (Fi). This would lead to seasonal selfish sprees to make up for the lack of attention given to yourself. **PB/S(C)** Their animal stack consists of Play first (De + Oe), Blast next (De + Oi), Sleep next (Di+ Oi), and Consume last (Oe + Di). ▪︎ Using Play first (in this case Te + Se) means expending energy first in the outside world, on behalf of others, and preserving it later for the self. They focus on the outside world and the Tribe, almost forgetting to focus on the inside world for once. ▪︎ Blast next (Te + Ni) to organise concepts/trends (with Ni) they already have to then teach/communicate it outwardly (with Te) ▪︎ Sleep next (Fi + Ni) to look inwards and understand/process the inside world. Taking care of yourself. ▪︎ Using Consume last (in this case Se + Fi) means learning and organising the most important things to them and be done. They will not feel the need/requirement to get more for the self before communicating it to the Tribe/outside world. It may feel like a waste of time to keep taking in information/concepts/facts/experiences; even when facts are collected (Se) but the Fi will not change its viewpoint. Only takes in 'new' to convince themselves of the current viewpoint. ☆☆☆ Play and Sleep in top 3 animals, with Consume or Blast last means they are Energy Dominant. This means balance in work and rest, imbalanced in conversations; oversharing or undersharing information. ☆☆☆ Having Play first, and Blast next means being a PB type - expending energy and shareimg knowledge. □ This type's animal group (representing extroversion) is the Seals - the second to most extroverted group. REFERENCES - References to LiJo's explanations on YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/@InternetLiJo) - References to Dave and Shan's explanations/definitions on YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCWWwQlDFnYbX_dgDP8lJ09A) - References this reddit user's Te Explanation, + comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/8zgs1b/rational_thinking_and_extraverted_thinkingte/ - References TrebleKnight's Fi Explanation on YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/@TrebleKnight)
