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Captain Ahab MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Captain Ahab? Captain Ahab is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - - 782 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

rather than editing my previous comment i think i'll just add a new one. I think Ahab, despite her obvious insanity, is a pretty good so7, something we can see exemplified in her rallying up of people for a goal that, at its core, is more for selfish reasons than for a common good despite her attempts to paint it so. a couple excerpts from the E7 book golosos, tramposos y soñadores: “I don't stop until I get that sparkle in their eyes. That shine that tells me that I have aroused admiration and desire for me in them. Once I conquered the person, I have already received my dose.” (TESTIMONIAL, ARACAJU SYMPOSIUM, 2016) In the social E7, gluttony assumes, as we say, a specific form: the need to look extraordinary. And there are two fundamental mirrors: that of the world and that of the ideal self, that of the other and the intimate. Given the centrality of the mental experience in this character, sight is the main door for his relationship with the world. In addition, seeing oneself refers to the mirror stage, when the child looks into the mother's eyes and she gives him a reflection, made up of feelings and words, which he will later confuse with his identity. In this case, the image returned by the mirror is a distorted reflection that emphasizes the positive aspects of the infant and excludes the negative ones. When the image in the mirror is that of an extraordinary, capable, enthusiastic, smart, good, funny, self-sacrificing self, the child receives a satiating jolt of energy, a substitute for love. And thus the neurotic functioning is sealed: As long as he sees himself close to that ideal self, he will feel calm; if it separates, it will feel anguish. The sacrifice he makes of his gluttony works like a Trojan horse that hides in his guts the need to look extraordinary. This qualifier summarizes the spectral image it receives from the mirror. As an adjective, it defines what is outside the order or the natural or common rule. Therefore, everything that can add some extraordinary aspect to his image will be sought voraciously. Extraordinary trips, extraordinary knowledge, extraordinary experiences, extraordinary people... All the experiences that help him feel like a non-ordinary being (extra-ordinary) will be his priority objective. something that is highlighted to us a lot throughout canto V is ahab's drive to convince people of her goals, her conviction that she is in fact erasing the root of all evil, that her cause is a noble one. she gathers up people to aid in this cause and won't stop at sacrificing them for it as she sees it a worthy sacrifice for the sake of reaching her goal of what she perceives to be a purification of the world. this also contributes to why i type her VExx and Fe base/dominant, her focus lies in the objective emotionality that when tapped into can drive people to join her in this "noble" quest. her goals become her people's goals. she is especially adept in this, and she's aware of this ability as we're shown several times during the story where ahab seems to almost read everyone's minds and be aware of their current feelings and doubts. she especially makes use of this ability when she convinces the members of the Pequod village to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Excerpts from the official psychosophy website's description of the Akhmatova (VELF) type; A person of this type is a born leader and carries out his decisions 90 - 100%. He is ambitious, dreams of a good career, goes ahead, he can handle the career of a tough leader. Internal attitude: claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control, acting as a tool of influence on the crowd. Traits of manifestation of internal attitude in behavior and character: purposefulness, jealousy, ingratitude, callousness, ambition, selfishness, disdain for competitors, inflated self-esteem, arrogance, demand for admiration, deviation from social norms, focus on one’s own misunderstanding, caution in conclusions, permanent argument without result; tendency to ask clarifying questions, verbosity, pauses in conversation, use of filler words, interjections; logical “brake” in a class or training group; instead of a simple solution, he offers several complex ones, a passion for mental activity and a hidden rebellion against it; complexity of the thinking process. Material values, money, carnal pleasures for a carrier of the VELF type have little (as if secondary) importance. Sometimes the material world is perceived not just as a burden, but as something that must either change (and therefore cannot be of global value), or as something that can be sacrificed without much regret. In everyday life, he is often not selective and is content with little. Excerpt from bestsocionics.com's description of Akhmatova: For representatives of the WELF type, attracting attention to their person is as natural as breathing. These people have bright charisma and the ability to remain themselves and not adapt to anyone in any situation.


Captain Ahab

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