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Princess Akemi Tokunobu MBTI Personality Type

Princess Akemi Tokunobu MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Princess Akemi Tokunobu? Princess Akemi Tokunobu is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 261 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Her character is similar to other ENFJs like Margaery in Game of Thrones or Donna in Suits. Her Fe/Ni helps her to play the social game and use the rules of a patriarchical society to her advantage. Why Fe/Ti>Te/Fi: She might be rebellious, but she is highly aware of what is expected of her and can play with the social rules of her class, when she wants to. When she flees to become a prostitute she quickly notices that the people from lower classes don‘t go by the same social rules, as she does. While she first struggles with this difference in values she comes to accept it over time. Akemi is also a character that is really emotionally expressive and sensitive to criticism and insensitive behavior from others. When her husband kills her favorite bird, she is quick to show her emotions and anger about it, rather than acting in a more subtle way or engaging in revenge. Unlike a Te dominant she doesn‘t admire other people as much for their accomplishments or power they hold, but more for their social status, popularity and kindness. This is why she prefers Taegen over her husband at first, as she was moved by his compassion and charm. She only accepted her husband, when he opened up to her and revealed himself to be just as compassionate and emotional as Taegen. Later on she learns to develop her Ti and detach herself from her emotions to make decisions. She becomes more calculated and guarded, acting less impulsive and recognizing how to use her ability to manipulate others to achieve some sort of subtle power. Her Ti also enables her to gain a more nuanced view on things and have less of a black and white perspective on them. If she were an ENTJ her development would likely consist of her reflecting on her own values and gaining a stronger grip on her identity and feelings, which Akemi doesn‘t struggle with.


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