Emily MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Emily? Emily is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sp - 863 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Where's Ni? She seems pretty adverse to change, and wants things to be the way she has always wanted them to be. Instead of constantly working to improve and gain influence (like Richelle for example), she takes measures to maintain the position of power she has had for years (i.e dance captain). Rather than moving beyond TNS to improve and elevate her dance career further, she becomes quite stagnant, and eventually aims to buy TNS to fulfil the role she set for herself from a very young age. As well as this, she feels threatened by change and people she isn't used to (see how negatively predisposed she was towards Michelle?) and even shows slight unhealthy Si in her paranoia that Michelle was out to steal her dance captain role. There is also an element of duty - she prizes the dance captain handbook that has been passed down for generations of dance captains, and uses this to fuel her sense of security in her role. Te is quite clear (shown through her fixation on leadership, status and efficiency) so I would say she is ESTJ probably. Open to any other arguments! :)

