Dryad MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Dryad? Dryad is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Beautiful but shy feminine nature spirits, magically bound to specific oak trees. Dryads resemble beautiful elven women, whose hair and skin change color with the seasons — they both turn red and white in the fall and winter, respectively; in the spring and summer, their skin turns tan and their hair green. Since all dryads are female, they rely on other species for reproduction — generally, a dryad will have children with either a magically enthralled human or elf, in which case the child will always be a dryad, or with a satyr, in which case there's an even chance of the child being either a dryad girl or a satyr boy. A young dryad will live with her mother until she reaches adulthood, at which point she will seek a tree of her own to bond to. While there are plenty of stories about dryads growing enamored of handsome travelers, charming them, and bringing them back to their trees, dryads are just as likely to "recruit" interlopers to deal with threats like loggers.
