Ha Ian MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Ha Ian? Ha Ian is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 126 in Enneagram, in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

Based on his character so far, I strongly see him as an INFJ (NiFe). Ian is a quiet and introspective person, as well as having a deep compassion and empathy for others. He tries to help out others in any way he can, and in the process of that, it ends up being too much for him and it can become very overwhelming. I will describe below why I see Ian being an INFJ within the understanding of cognitive functions. Ni - He relies on his instincts to guide himself when taking actions and making decisions, as well as being focused inward, he explores his own mind for guidance within situations. Ian is very much the go-with-the-flow type of guy, this results in him never being able to explain in any rational way how he behaved the way he did in certain occurrences. His thoughts are oriented into future possibilities rather than what is happening around him in the immediate moment. Fe - Ian does base his decisions on personal values, as well as the assessments of other peoples needs. He is a sensitive and empathetic person, going great lengths to help others in any way possible, while staying rule oriented within social norms. Giving importance to group harmony, his primary consideration is whether everyone else is comfortable or at ease, leading to either not being able to differentiate personal emotions within himself or sacrificing personal needs and values. Ti- Ian's reference of thinking comes from his internal held belief systems, which are eventually built up based on past insights and discoveries, as well as being a very deep analytical person. He does reflect on events happening around him and can be very reluctant on letting something go unless he understand. The Ti is tertiary, used to logically scrutinize Fe judgements. Se - Being the last and least developed function, it helps function Ian's current surroundings, feel connected to the physical world, and be present in the current moment. Regardless, the outer world can be very overwhelming and stressful if taken in too much outside stimuli and responsibilities. Thank u for reading !

