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Owner (1st Present) MBTI Personality Type

Owner (1st Present) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Owner (1st Present)? Owner (1st Present) is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

[Full Temporistic Description by Alexander Latyshev] —— [The Owner] A person whose present time is an area of self-realization is called the Master. He does not necessarilydo housework or know how to cook well, but he feels responsible for what is happening here and now, and extends the field of his presence to everyone who is nearby. The present is its target aspect, which meansthat all his aspirations are directed precisely at this time. The owner is involved in any business quickly and easily, and he determines his own role in thismatter. The owner can become both an organizer and a performer, and a key figure and an extra - he willchoose what he likes and is capable of. In any situation - that at a business meeting, that at a party withfriends, that in line at the store - both the owner himself and the role that he has chosen for himself will benoticeable. This is inevitable, since the present is the area of self-realization of the owner, the expressionof oneself through one's place in the world is not only natural for him, but also necessary. Whatever theowner does, he non-verbally broadcasts a message to others - "I'm here", and the key word here is not "I"at all, but "here". Owners of other target aspects do not express themselves in the present tense, therefore itis the owner who, more often than others, is able to involve others in his activity. At the same time, he doesnot necessarily involve at the expense of the will - the owner, merging with his role as much as possible,creates space for activity. Another thing is that due to the monologue of the first aspect, the present of the Owner may not be sensitive to the presence of other people in the present, they are either captured by "His world", his rhythm of life, his presence, or feel superfluous, out of place (especially "Exile", 3rd present). But for the "Guest" (4 present), the Host is just a gift - after all, the Guest does not know how to get involvedin the process himself and does not consider it necessary to waste energy looking for some place for himself (whatever they give, that's okay), and the Host can capture the Guest with your energy, nourish it with anexcess of its target first aspect. The Guest does not need interaction (dialogue) in the present tense, like the Local (2 present) and the Exile (3 present), the Guest will adjust and get involved, receiving energy in his blind aspect. The owner knows how to be happy in the moment, his motto is "Here and Now". The owner is ahedonist, which does not at all imply a materialistic worldview (although thishappens), it’s just that the Master, like no one else, knows how to enjoy the simple joys of the earth. Often the Owner loves naturevery much, almost mystically, sometimes almost deifying it. Of course, many people love nature, but the present especially appreciates it, because nature is closely related to the ability to enjoy the process of life. And the Owner knows how to savor the slightest sensations: the breath of the breeze, the scent of a flower, the rustle of trees, the sound of the sea. This does not mean that any 1 present loves nature by default, tastes are different, but it means that he knows how to saturate life with experiences, and just experience, or ratherlive the moment. The owner is inclined to delay business and, in general, any processes. Starting to do something, and the Owner starts quite easily, often cannot stop in time (especially if the Future (B aspect) which is responsible for changes in the situation, is the 3rd or 4th). Getting involvedin the work already begun before him, he can destroy the existing atmosphere with his own vision of theroles of the participants, so you can sometimes hear about the host that “there is too much of him". ——


"The owner is involved in any business quickly and easily, and he determines his own role in this matter. The owner can become both an organizer and a performer, and a key figure and an extra - he will choose what he likes and is capable of. In any situation - whether at a business meeting, at a party with friends, or in line at the store - both the owner himself and the role that he has chosen for himself will be noticeable. This is inevitable, since the present is the area of ​​self-realization of the owner, the expression of oneself through one's place in the world is not only natural for him, but also necessary. Whatever the owner does, he non-verbally broadcasts a message to others - "I'm here", and the key word here is not "I" at all, but "here". Owners of other target aspects do not express themselves in the present tense, therefore it is the owner who, more often than others, is able to involve others in his activity. " Source - http://temporistics.ru/types/present1
