Aleczandxr MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Aleczandxr? Aleczandxr is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - so/sx - 529 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Been following this man for a long time. He is between my top 5 Youtubers. His content goes so deep into the narratives that it's very inspiring to me. Always managing to arrange the content explained in the videos flawlessly, as if he had been working till exhaustion until it was perfect. I even interacted with him and saw him interact with people on Twitter. Overall, I would say INFJ fits him. His analytical aproach is really impressive, and he is very open with his emotions. EDIT: Now that he does streams on twitch I'm even more certain of him being INFJ.


Aleczandxr (born: September 7, 1994, is a Canadian anime and occasional gaming YouTuber who makes analysis videos on anime, and occasionally video games, primarily focusing on story and characters, making videos on individual characters and themes from different anime. His favorite anime series' to make videos on are Berserk, Hunter X Hunter 2011, and Fate/Zero, especially Hunter X Hunter 2011, as his favorite video games to make videos on are Final Fantasy and The Witcher.
