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  3. Frankenstein : A New Musical

Dr. Frankenstein MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Dr. Frankenstein? Dr. Frankenstein is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - in Enneagram, in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

I suggest watching corinkeen’s Frankenstein animatic of the song “Amen,” and the “Birth to my Creation,” animatic by zoeves on Youtube. I am just fascinated by an INTP villain. Most INTPs are type 5s, and being the classic mad scientist, you’d have the instinct to type him as one. Though intentions and motivations matter much more to Enneagram then their general outward energy and interests. He pushes the limits of what science is allowed to do due to a need to prove some kind of status, for his arrogant genius. Though at the same time, as a kind of need to rid the world of people dying due to his personal grief, and try to create life to help with this. Much of an inferior Fe grip seems to drive much of his experiments.


Theatre Characters Similar to Dr. Frankenstein

Common Characteristics and Traits
