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Agreeableness - 75% MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Agreeableness - 75%? Agreeableness - 75% is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - - 721 in Enneagram, RCUAN in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

INFJ/INFP/ENFP/ESFJ/ISFP - 7w6/2w3/1w2/9w1/6w7 - sp6/sx3/sp4/sp2/so4 - 713/952/396/741/629/126/592/217/271/147 - IEE/EII/ESE/SEI/ESI - Lawful Good/Neutral Good/Chaotic Good - LEFV/EFLV/ELFV/EVLF/EVFL - Sanguine/Sanguine-Melancholic/Phlegmatic-Melancholic/Melancholic-Phlegmatic/Sanguine-Phlegmatic - IF(N)/EN(F)/IN(F)/IS(F)/EF(S) - xxx|A|i - Extraversion 50% Neuroticism 50% Conscientiousness 50% Agreeableness 75% Openness 50% The percents represents the percentage of PDB profiles of that type that is Agreeableness 75%. The above vote is the typing which best represents Agreeableness 75%. INFJ 41.06% INFP 40.47% ENFP 38.99% ESFJ 36.4% ISFP 35.44% ISFJ 34.73% ENFJ 31.94% ESFP 29.55% INTP 23.86% ISTJ 22.17% ENTP 17.38% ISTP 12.26% ESTJ 10.2% INTJ 9.34% ESTP 5.93% ENTJ 5.29% 7w6 41.75% 2w3 36.57% 1w2 35.55% 9w1 34.41% 6w7 33.02% 4w5 32.61% 6w5 30.21% 9w8 30.15% 3w2 29.91% 2w1 27.93% 1w9 27.35% 4w3 21.75% 5w4 21.17% 7w8 15.08% 5w6 13.34% 8w9 5.3% 3w4 5.19% 8w7 2.14% sp/so 30.33% so/sx 30.22% so/sp 27.2% sx/so 24.68% sp/sx 17.71% sx/sp 11.98% sp6 46.06% sx3 42.26% sp4 40.39% sp2 40.2% so4 39.58% sx9 37.83% sx7 37.69% so7 36.17% so6 32.7% sp1 32.4% sx5 26.63% sp3 26.39% sp9 26.34% so2 25.91% so9 22.79% so8 21.68% sp5 19.53% so1 18.78% so5 18.18% sx2 16.3% sx4 8.14% so3 6.5% sx6 6.09% sp7 5.39% sx1 2.91% sx8 2.2% sp8 1.48% 713 71.43% 952 68% 396 62.5% 741 60% 629 57.69% 126 55% 592 54.17% 217 53.85% 271 52% 147 50% 215 50% 621 50% 714 50% 739 50% 792 50% 279 48.84% 694 48.78% 612 48.72% 947 48.15% 712 47.62% 317 47.37% 496 45.16% 728 44.44% 729 44.19% 417 43.75% 749 43.75% 649 43.24% 397 42.86% 497 42.86% 495 42.11% 936 42.11% 946 42.11% 692 41.67% 125 41.38% 152 41.38% 471 41.18% 925 41.18% 964 41.03% 316 39.47% 459 39.39% 962 39.39% 972 39.39% 259 38.46% 521 38.46% 379 37.84% 162 36.11% 529 35.71% 974 35.71% 297 35.29% 145 34.78% 261 34.62% 395 33.33% 415 33.33% 594 33.33% 793 33.33% 945 33.33% 469 32.56% 512 32.14% 286 31.58% 359 30% 937 30% 478 29.41% 721 28.57% 963 28.57% 782 28.13% 269 27.78% 461 27.78% 693 27.78% 137 27.27% 926 27.27% 479 26.92% 216 26.09% 794 26.09% 268 25.93% 361 25.93% 127 25% 416 25% 826 25% 953 25% 973 25% 136 24.32% 451 23.81% 549 23.68% 872 23.68% 154 23.53% 927 22.86% 539 22.73% 613 22.22% 371 21.74% 614 21.62% 296 21.43% 153 20.51% 163 20% 295 20% 935 20% 315 19.05% 369 19.05% 628 19.05% 641 19.05% 639 18.18% 164 17.86% 541 17.14% 173 16.67% 731 16.67% 825 16.67% 278 16.22% 847 15.79% 862 15.38% 531 14.81% 251 14.29% 593 14.29% 738 13.95% 638 13.33% 954 13.16% 172 12.5% 368 12.5% 528 12.5% 146 11.76% 287 11.76% 748 11.76% 682 11.54% 513 10.81% 827 8.7% 485 8.33% 684 8.33% 458 7.69% 852 7.69% 378 6.82% 853 6.45% 135 5.88% 631 5.56% 351 5.26% 386 4.88% 548 4.88% 873 4.88% 514 4.76% 583 4.17% 648 3.85% 358 3.33% 538 3.33% 683 3.23% 584 3.03% 836 3.03% 863 2.86% 387 2.7% 835 2.7% 837 2.27% 258 0% 285 0% 385 0% 468 0% 486 0% 487 0% 582 0% 783 0% 784 0% 845 0% 846 0% 854 0% 864 0% 874 0% 174 no data IEE 44.55% EII 43.24% ESE 38.37% SEI 36.61% ESI 35.64% IEI 34.34% LII 31.27% EIE 22.7% LSE 20.56% SLI 18.36% ILE 17.2% ILI 17.04% SEE 12.95% LSI 10.75% LIE 5.52% SLE 1.83% Lawful Good 41.55% Neutral Good 40.45% Chaotic Good 38.65% True Neutral 17.15% Lawful Neutral 16.81% Chaotic Neutral 6.86% Neutral Evil 3.88% Lawful Evil 3.25% Chaotic Evil 0.42% LEFV 53.36% EFLV 47.28% ELFV 43.98% EVLF 43.42% EVFL 36.92% ELVF 36.43% LEVF 36.31% FELV 31.74% LVFE 30.34% FEVL 29.65% FVLE 26.67% EFVL 26.38% VEFL 25.76% LFEV 25.33% FVEL 24.59% VELF 23.53% FLEV 22.15% VLEF 16.42% LVEF 13.92% LFVE 9.01% VFLE 6.72% VLFE 6.01% FLVE 4.76% VFEL 4.72% Sanguine [Dominant] 40.44% Sanguine-Melancholic 39.7% Phlegmatic-Melancholic 39.44% Melancholic-Phlegmatic 38.89% Sanguine-Phlegmatic 35.13% Melancholic-Sanguine 32.74% Phlegmatic [Dominant] 32.63% Phlegmatic-Sanguine 31.37% Melancholic [Dominant] 30.09% Phlegmatic-Choleric 19.91% Sanguine-Choleric 14.71% Choleric-Phlegmatic 11.83% Melancholic-Choleric 8.44% Choleric-Melancholic 7.35% Choleric-Sanguine 4.67% Choleric [Dominant] 3.63% IF(N) 43.72% EN(F) 39.88% IN(F) 38.86% IS(F) 37.19% EF(S) 36.13% EF(N) 27.72% IF(S) 27.52% IT(N) 25.58% ET(S) 19.08% IS(T) 18.51% EN(T) 17.21% ES(F) 16.44% IN(T) 14.13% IT(S) 11.73% ET(N) 5.72% ES(T) 1.81% S (Social) 24.12% R (Reserved) 24.02% C (Calm) 24.96% L (Limbic) 23.28% O (Organized) 24.54% U (Unstructured) 23.24% A (Accommodating) 35.49% E (Egocentric) 12.21% I (Inquisitive) 26.04% N (Non-Curious) 20.63% (see more percentages in my reply to this post)

