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Mohammed Enait MBTI Personality Type

Mohammed Enait MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Mohammed Enait? Mohammed Enait is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.


Mohammed Faizel Ali Enait (1974) is a Surinamese-Dutch jurist and former lawyer who was in the news in early 2006 because of two court cases, in which his religiously inspired behavior was central. Enait came into the public eye in 2006 following a lawsuit brought by him against the municipality of Rotterdam. The municipality refused to hire Enait, an orthodox Muslim, as a client manager of Social Services after he announced during a job interview in 2005 that he refused to shake hands with women because of his faith. Enait submitted the case to the Equal Treatment Commission (CGB) because the municipality would make a distinction based on religion. The CGB ruled in favor of Enait because the municipality should not have refused the applicant on the basis of his (orthodox) clothing style (Enait had worn a djellaba during the job interview). The municipality should also have investigated whether other greetings were possible.

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