Human MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Human? Human is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, - so/sx - in Enneagram, in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.


Humans are the most adaptable of all the races. They are known for being innovators and pioneers, capable of excelling in whatever pursuit they take. Human cities and settlements are some of the most accepting in all the realms, welcoming all sorts of races into their boundaries, as long as they can contribute and don’t cause trouble. Due to their short life span, Humans tend to be quick to act. To some races, this can come off as brash or unthoughtful but others will recognise their quickness to act and their ability to develop rapidly. Humans have built cities and nations that last and expand continuously. Many Humans seek to build a legacy for themselves whether it be through the organisations and structures they create or the legendary tales told of their epic adventures. It’s difficult though to see trends in personality among Humans as their personalities are so varied, leaving it down to you to determine the personality of your character.
