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Penetrator MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Penetrator? Penetrator is an personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

http://soulslore.wikidot.com/data:penetrator "Symbolizes the huge sword wielded by Penetrator, which has cut down many warriors who attempted to slay the demon." - Cursed Weapon (Spell) Description https://www.crystalknows.com/enneagram/type-8/wing-9 "Eights with a nine wing fear being hurt by others. They avoid situations in which they have less control, generally preferring to be in positions of leadership." - crystalknows.com page on 8w9 enneagram This is generally the direction I'm taking for voting 8w9. If there's any disagreements with this, I'm all ears (when I get around to opening this website again, that is).


Gaming Characters Similar to Penetrator

    Common Characteristics and Traits
