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Phonk MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Phonk? Phonk is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 in Enneagram, SCUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

The whole DIY aspect of Phonk is what makes this genre truly special to me. The genre heavily focuses on the "beats" rather than the rhymes. Which is more of an intuitive type of approach. The secluded/off-putting nature of the Phonk genre and the community is very antisocial and niche. Due to the imagery of satanic ritual sacrifice, violence, war, drugs, crime, video games, sex, outdated/modern tech, mythical creatures, power fantasies, weapons, anime, horror flicks, and street culture. All of these images display anti-social aesthetics which is something a lot of Ti-Fe users take to heart. So, it would make sense that ISTPs and INTPs would congregate around Phonk online because of their Ti-Fe. Both of whom are anti-social by nature. This explains why Phonk has a bit of a marketing and PR issue which in itself is not a bad thing and is what makes Phonk great in the first place. It's a total vibe to listen to. 💀🚬 As an INTP, I LOVE Phonk.


Phonk is a subgenre of hip hop and trap music directly inspired by 1990s Memphis rap. Mostly present on the SoundCloud platform, the music is characterized by nostalgic funk samples, often accompanied by vocals from old Memphis rap tapes.
