Percy Jackson MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Percy Jackson? Percy Jackson is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Musical Percy being ISFP definitely makes the most sense, and I'm going to explain why! [Part 1/3]: Dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi): Percy makes his decisions off of what feels right to him personally, first and foremost. "...Not 'cause my dad needs me, I'm leaving now, I better pack, he took my mom, I'm taking her back!" Now, I know Fi isn't "selfishness" or "not caring about others", but I'd like to point out that Percy was preoccupied with how his dad must not have cared about him, because he was never there, despite his mom saying otherwise- Percy also has certain ideas about how an ideal father should be, and is crushed that his didn't meet his expectations. "So my dad is some god, that's great, I guess... did he not want me or not want the stress? Too bad he's the worst, and my life is... A MESS! Oh nooo... I hope he shows, even a trace, 'cause I've got some choice words, to throw in his face!" Percy blames his dad for his current life situation, namely because he wasn't there and he wasn't as good a dad as he could have been. Which shows he was having difficulty moving past his own personal version of what happened- which brings us to our next point- Auxiliary Extraverted Sensing (Se): I know, I know, Percy says “what if” a lot during the musical, but I’m going to explain why he’s probably not an Ne-dom or aux, at least with what we have to work with! My favorite example to bring up is, how shocked Percy is about all the supernatural things going on in the world. Yes, anyone would be shocked about this, but I imagine an Ne-dom/aux might be less shocked about it, as it’s a function that expands on possibilities, rather than perceiving the world as it is. It takes Percy a while to adapt to and to understand all the supernatural things in the world: “Wait, who said anything about monsters?!” “Mr. Brunner, YOU’RE A HORSE?” “This guy here has been saying all this crazy stuff about gods and nymphs and… WHAT?” “You gave me this pen, except it wasn’t a pen, it was a sword, and WHAT?” Yes, I know anyone would be shocked, but Percy is shocked because his mind is more adapted to the immediate reality and this is just- so not something he ever thought to be possible- he was also reluctant to believe Annabeth about the Lotus Hotels, thinking, “Oh, come on, that can’t be true” about one night there lasting one-hundred years. In Percy’s dialogue, we also hear him perceiving things as they are, not really so much expanding on possibilities regarding said things. “I knew something was up… when I heard my name get yelled” “It wasn’t dirty socks or my stepdad, it was danger that I smelled”, (We also hear about things he has perceived with his five senses, rather than the possibilities of his surroundings.) I’d also like to bring up that Percy assumes that if someone hasn’t heard of Half-Bloods, “Maybe you don’t know what a Half-Blood is because your life is normal, and happy, and NOT CONSTANTLY IN DANGER, but my life? Mm. Let me set the scene.” He was also noticeably still confused upon hearing that Grover was able to communicate with squirrels, despite literally everything that has happened. I also noticed that he didn’t have any Ne to help him with figuring out the truth about his dad, and just perceived the situation as it seemed on the surface. “Guys, we just exploded a bus, that was being attacked by demon-triplet math teachers!” (Again, Percy being maladjusted to things being different from the immediately-perceived reality) (Continued in reply!)


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